This table shows the base score (from exactly timing a key) for each key level across seasons and expansions:

Jump to scoring rules

ExpansionThe War Within Season 1Dragonflight Season 4Dragonflight Season 2 + 3Dragonflight Season 1Shadowlands Season 4
LevelBase scoreAll timedBase scoreAs best / alt.Both / all timedBase scoreAs best / alt.Both / all timedBase scoreAs best / alt.Both / all timedBase scoreAs best / alt.Both / all timed
+2165132094141.0 / 47.0188 / 15044060.0 / 20.080 / 6404060.0 / 20.080 / 6404060.0 / 20.080 / 640
+31801440101151.5 / 50.5202 / 16164567.5 / 22.590 / 7204567.5 / 22.590 / 7204567.5 / 22.590 / 720
+4205 1640108162.0 / 54.0216 / 17285075.0 / 25.0100 / 8005582.5 / 27.5 110 / 8805582.5 / 27.5 110 / 880
+52201760125187.5 / 62.5 250 / 20005582.5 / 27.5110 / 8806090.0 / 30.0120 / 9606090.0 / 30.0120 / 960
+62351880132198.0 / 66.0264 / 21126090.0 / 30.0120 / 9606597.5 / 32.5130 / 10406597.5 / 32.5130 / 1040
+7265 2120139208.5 / 69.5278 / 222475112.5 / 37.5 150 / 120075112.5 / 37.5 150 / 120075112.5 / 37.5 150 / 1200
+82802240146219.0 / 73.0292 / 233680120.0 / 40.0160 / 128080120.0 / 40.0160 / 128080120.0 / 40.0160 / 1280
+92952360153229.5 / 76.5306 / 244885127.5 / 42.5170 / 136085127.5 / 42.5170 / 136085127.5 / 42.5170 / 1360
+10320 2560170255.0 / 85.0 340 / 272090135.0 / 45.0180 / 1440100150.0 / 50.0 200 / 1600100150.0 / 50.0 200 / 1600
+113352680177265.5 / 88.5354 / 283297145.5 / 48.5 194 / 1552107160.5 / 53.5214 / 1712105157.5 / 52.5210 / 1680
+12365 2920184276.0 / 92.0368 / 2944104156.0 / 52.0208 / 1664114171.0 / 57.0228 / 1824110165.0 / 55.0220 / 1760
+133803040191286.5 / 95.5382 / 3056111166.5 / 55.5222 / 1776121181.5 / 60.5242 / 1936115172.5 / 57.5230 / 1840
+143953160198297.0 / 99.0396 / 3168128192.0 / 64.0 256 / 2048128192.0 / 64.0 256 / 2048120180.0 / 60.0240 / 1920
+154103280205307.5 / 102.5410 / 3280135202.5 / 67.5270 / 2160135202.5 / 67.5270 / 2160125187.5 / 62.5 250 / 2000
+164253400212318.0 / 106.0424 / 3392142213.0 / 71.0284 / 2272142213.0 / 71.0284 / 2272130195.0 / 65.0260 / 2080
+174403520219328.5 / 109.5438 / 3504149223.5 / 74.5298 / 2384149223.5 / 74.5298 / 2384135202.5 / 67.5270 / 2160
+184553640226339.0 / 113.0452 / 3616156234.0 / 78.0312 / 2496156234.0 / 78.0312 / 2496140210.0 / 70.0280 / 2240
+194703760233349.5 / 116.5466 / 3728163244.5 / 81.5326 / 2608163244.5 / 81.5326 / 2608145217.5 / 72.5290 / 2320
+204853880240360.0 / 120.0480 / 3840170255.0 / 85.0340 / 2720170255.0 / 85.0340 / 2720150225.0 / 75.0300 / 2400

Scoring rules

Shadowlands Season 4 and Dragonflight Season 1 - 3 all use the same starting point, but with different bonus structures:

30 + (level × 5) + bonus

Dragonflight Season 4 uses a different starting point and bonus structure:

80 + (level × 7) + bonus

The War Within Season 1 uses a different starting point and bonus structure:

135 + (level × 15) + bonus

There are additional time-based scoring rules which apply bonuses or penalties to the base score. For example, a +3-chested +2 key (in TWW S1) grants 180.0 points, rather than 165.0 points.

Affix scoring

Shadowlands and Dragonflight take the best run for each dungeon for each of Fortified and Tyrannical weeks, and then calculate your overall dungeon score with:

dungeon_score = (higher_score × 1.5) + (lower_score ÷ 2)

The War Within Season 1 no longer splits Fortified and Tyrannical scores, so your overall dungeon score is the highest scored run for that dungeon.

Your highest score run might not be your highest keystone level.

Seasonal run scoring rules

Shadowlands Season 4

Dragonflight Season 1

Dragonflight Season 2 and 3

Dragonflight Season 4

The War Within Season 1